Hi Deb:
My husband and I started a church two years ago for the Salvation Army on
the block of Meridian and Berry St., here in East Nashville. Your group gave
some of our members the scarves and hats. This is an inner city church
that serves poor people and others who will come walk alongside us. Just
know that Sunday morning we had the box out with all the matching scarves
and hats and as folks came in for Sunday school they started looking in the
box. By the time church was over nearly all of them were gone and everyone
was smiling because they were amazed someone would do that for them. We do have a few middle class families here but we also have people that were homeless two weeks ago up to a year ago: precious, dear gems in God's eyes.
Thank you for what your group did to bless them and remind them of God's
love for them. The small things are not so small.
We pray many blessings come back to your group and your thoughts and
Sgt. Ernie Simms
The Salvation Army Berry St. Worship Center